Zhengzhou, Henan water meter "warm" work open

[China Instrument Network Instrument Industry] After a continuous autumn rain, weather forecast released a message, a cold air arrived in Henan Province, Zhengzhou City, the temperature will be reduced again. In order to avoid the occurrence of large-scale occurrence of freezing of water pipes, Zhengzhou Water Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. has started the anti-freezing work for winter water meters, and has spared no effort to protect users' normal water use this winter.

As early as the end of January 2016, affected by the continuous low temperature and strong winds, the city’s thousands of water meters have been frozen and cracked, and the water pipes have become frozen. In particular, some old districts without heating are the hardest hit areas of cold waves, and the people’s lives are greatly affected. influences. In the cold, Zhengzhou's water supply team formed a rescue team for the first time. It changed the frozen water meters and water pipes for the public day and night in various districts, and worked continuously for more than 20 days and nights.

Starting from September, Zhengzhou Water Investment Holding Co., Ltd. has promoted anti-freezing in various forms such as posting flyers, visiting users, entering the community, and sending SMS, WeChat, Alipay, and other information to users, and arranging marketing personnel to make it easier to freeze traffic on the route. Conduct network-based investigations, statistics, and reporting. In particular, communities with incomplete thermal protection measures are the focus of attention.

According to the requirements, each marketing agency of Zhengzhou Water Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. combined with the actual conditions of the region, developed targeted troubleshooting plans and recorded investigation information in a targeted manner, and used one month to complete statistics, summary, and reporting of antifreeze water meters. Up to now, the five marketing agencies reported a total of nearly 70,000 antifreeze water meters, involving more than 500 communities.

At present, Zhengzhou Water Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. will be for this year's need to antifreeze water meter, purchased anti-freeze materials have been in place, and issued to the various marketing agencies, from now on, a water pipe, water meter anti-freeze defense battle quietly started, they will fight in the winter Before the advent of protective measures to ensure that the user's normal water use in winter.

(Original title: Zhengzhou Water Supply Company started winter freezing work for water meter)

Optical Brightener

Many industries have begun to use optical brighteners, such as paper, plastics, leather, and detergents. At the same time, fluorescent whitening agents are also used in many high-tech fields, such as fluorescence detection, dye lasers, anti-counterfeiting printing, etc., and even high-sensitivity films for high-altitude photography. In order to improve the sensitivity of photosensitive latexes, fluorescence is also used. Brightener.
In China, optical brighteners were first classified as printing and dyeing auxiliary products, and then classified as dye products. Due to its unique properties and large amount of demand, it has been separated from the above two industries and has become a separate class of fine chemical products. The first largest user of domestic fluorescent whitening agents is detergents, the second largest user is paper, and textiles are the third largest user.

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